It’s Africa’s Time

IT’S AFRICA’S TIME, produced by Regency Foundation Networx, is a multimedia initiative employing a co-creation process that uses Regency’s unique journalistic & cinematic style to craft fresh and authentic stories. The TV series is designed to promote and encourage the adoption of the ‘inclusive business’ model as a component of corporate growth strategy in Africa. The series demonstrates how this approach can make a contribution towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


IT’S AFRICA’S TIME (IAT), currently in its fourth season, documents case studies that demonstrate the adoption of the ‘inclusive business’ model as a component of corporate growth strategy across Africa, where profitable business solutions grow local value chains and drive societal transformation.

Season 1


Adcock Ingram’s Enterprise Development Owner-Driver Scheme »» We visit Midrand in South Africa’s Gauteng province to meet with Meshack Matswi, a beneficiary of Adcock Ingram’s notable enterprise development

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Developing People: the Legacy of AECOM in Africa »» The civil war in Liberia destroyed infrastructure, schools and hospitals, and arrested social development. The current development strategy of

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NuWater – Sustainable Management of Natural Resources »» The core businesses of Altius are engaged in the essentials of life: energy, water and food. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” reports

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Bayport Financial Services – Changing Lives in Tanzania »» The company’s core business model focuses on serving the needs of society. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” looks at the story

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The BMW Group – Commitment to Sustainability Across Operations »» BMW is committed to delivering mobility for future generations by taking up the challenge of performing in all

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Commitment to Best Practice – Through Job Creation, Training and People Development »» In Cape Town and Addis Ababa, we visit a number of Carlson Rezidor Hotels to

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Funding the Implementation of Rural Electrification Programs in the Upper East Region of Ghana »» In Bolgatanga, in the upper east part of Ghana, lack of access to

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Climate Conscious Entrepreneurship (in Namaqualand with Conservation South Africa) »» Under the management of Conservation South Africa, SKEPPIES is a small grants fund for the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem

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Commitment to Best Practice – Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women »» Clover Mama Afrika is based on a simple concept: empowering caregivers with viable skills,

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Commitment to Best Practice – Socio-Economic Growth and Empowerment of Women »» In Abuja, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” learns about the 5by20 initiative, Coca-Cola’s global commitment to enable the

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Providing Access to Safe Drinking Water for 2 Million West Africans »» The Coca-Cola Foundation is committed to sustainable and meaningful engagement with communities across a range of

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The Grootegeluk Medupi Expansion Project »» “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” visits the Exxaro Grootegeluk mine to discuss the company’s commitment to water conservation as part of its greater sustainability

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Committed to Agricultural Socio-Economic Development, Education and Social Welfare, and Poverty Relief »» The primary objectives of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) are to contribute to the creation

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Providing Quality Seed to Small-scale Farmers to Enable Increased Yields and Market Access »» In Northern Mozambique we meet with Lozane Farms, a local seed supplier working together

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Maersk – Driving Economic Growth »» Whilst Nigeria is the leading economy of West Africa, its lack of transport infrastructure poses a major obstacle to optimum business development.

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Training and Investment to Enable Sustainable Healthcare for All South Africans »» Mediclinic’s sustainability strategy integrates economic, social and environmental performance and its CSI policy is built around

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Building Infrastructure to Enable Transportation Access for Goods, Services and People »» Socio-economic growth and development in Malawi is contingent on infrastructural investment. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” travels to

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The New Tete Bridges – Improving Road Transportation and Linking Africa »» Starting in the province of Tete, we visit the construction of the New Tete Bridge over

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Investing in Grassroots Socio-Economic Development »» Mutual & Federal is Southern Africa’s oldest short-term insurer and another key player in the region’s financial services industry. The Tswelopele project

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Facilitating the Growth of SMEs to Build Export Capacity and Increase Job Creation »» In Nigeria, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” meets with a number of small and medium enterprises

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Contributing to Food Security through its Protein Footprint in Africa »» Oceana’s commitment to sustainability spans the scope of its operations. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” looks at the company’s

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Enabling Communities to Help Themselves »» The first feature showcases the LEAP schools where the Old MutualFoundation has invested R14.7 million since its inception in 2004.LEAP has achieved

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Supporting the National Power Grid with Renewable Energy »» “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” talks to representatives from the Old Mutual Investment Group South Africa (OMIGSA) as well as stakeholders

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Investing in People to Change Lives »» PPC Ltd is the leading supplier of cement in Southern Africa and a company committed to sustainable Local Economic Development projects

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Always Keeping Girls In School – Aiming to Help Women Live Their Lives Uninhibited »» In Vaalwater, Limpopo, we visit a Primary and a Secondary School, both of

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Creating an Enabling Environment through Education and Training »» The Royal Bafokeng Nation, a community within the Rustenburg Valley of South Africa’s North West Province, emphasizes education as

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Building a Healthy Nation through HIV&AIDS Education »» The objective of the Sanlam Foundation is to contribute towards the upliftment of South African society, with an emphasis on

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Building the Pool of Graduates by Accessing the Potential of Rural Communities »» On 18 July, Nelson Mandela International Day, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” visited Mvezo, Mandela’s birthplace in

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The Role of Agriculture in Zambia’s Economic Development »» More than 60 per cent of the labour force in countries across Africa works in agriculture, yet the sector

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Job Creation and Local Economic Development »» In Mozambique, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” meets with Brazilian mining giant Vale to learn about the company’s inclusive business strategies around mining

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Skills, Empowerment and Sustainable Farming »» Woolworths, through its Good Business Journey, has a comprehensive plan to make a difference in six priority areas: sustainable farming, water, energy,

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Yara Crop Nutrition and the Ghana Grains Partnership Tackling Food Security in North Ghana »» With agriculture as the backbone of Ghana’s economy, the Ghana Grains Partnership (GPP),

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