Adcock Ingram’s Enterprise Development Owner-Driver Scheme »» We visit Midrand in South Africa’s Gauteng province to meet with Meshack Matswi, a beneficiary of Adcock Ingram’s notable enterprise development
IT’S AFRICA’S TIME, produced by Regency Foundation Networx, is a multimedia initiative employing a co-creation process that uses Regency’s unique journalistic & cinematic style to craft fresh and authentic stories. The TV series is designed to promote and encourage the adoption of the ‘inclusive business’ model as a component of corporate growth strategy in Africa. The series demonstrates how this approach can make a contribution towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
IT’S AFRICA’S TIME (IAT), currently in its fourth season, documents case studies that demonstrate the adoption of the ‘inclusive business’ model as a component of corporate growth strategy across Africa, where profitable business solutions grow local value chains and drive societal transformation.
Adcock Ingram’s Enterprise Development Owner-Driver Scheme »» We visit Midrand in South Africa’s Gauteng province to meet with Meshack Matswi, a beneficiary of Adcock Ingram’s notable enterprise development
Developing People: the Legacy of AECOM in Africa »» The civil war in Liberia destroyed infrastructure, schools and hospitals, and arrested social development. The current development strategy of
NuWater – Sustainable Management of Natural Resources »» The core businesses of Altius are engaged in the essentials of life: energy, water and food. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” reports
Bayport Financial Services – Changing Lives in Tanzania »» The company’s core business model focuses on serving the needs of society. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” looks at the story
The BMW Group – Commitment to Sustainability Across Operations »» BMW is committed to delivering mobility for future generations by taking up the challenge of performing in all
Commitment to Best Practice – Through Job Creation, Training and People Development »» In Cape Town and Addis Ababa, we visit a number of Carlson Rezidor Hotels to
Funding the Implementation of Rural Electrification Programs in the Upper East Region of Ghana »» In Bolgatanga, in the upper east part of Ghana, lack of access to
Climate Conscious Entrepreneurship (in Namaqualand with Conservation South Africa) »» Under the management of Conservation South Africa, SKEPPIES is a small grants fund for the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem
Commitment to Best Practice – Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women »» Clover Mama Afrika is based on a simple concept: empowering caregivers with viable skills,
Commitment to Best Practice – Socio-Economic Growth and Empowerment of Women »» In Abuja, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” learns about the 5by20 initiative, Coca-Cola’s global commitment to enable the
Providing Access to Safe Drinking Water for 2 Million West Africans »» The Coca-Cola Foundation is committed to sustainable and meaningful engagement with communities across a range of
The Grootegeluk Medupi Expansion Project »» “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” visits the Exxaro Grootegeluk mine to discuss the company’s commitment to water conservation as part of its greater sustainability
Committed to Agricultural Socio-Economic Development, Education and Social Welfare, and Poverty Relief »» The primary objectives of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) are to contribute to the creation
Providing Quality Seed to Small-scale Farmers to Enable Increased Yields and Market Access »» In Northern Mozambique we meet with Lozane Farms, a local seed supplier working together
Maersk – Driving Economic Growth »» Whilst Nigeria is the leading economy of West Africa, its lack of transport infrastructure poses a major obstacle to optimum business development.
Training and Investment to Enable Sustainable Healthcare for All South Africans »» Mediclinic’s sustainability strategy integrates economic, social and environmental performance and its CSI policy is built around
Building Infrastructure to Enable Transportation Access for Goods, Services and People »» Socio-economic growth and development in Malawi is contingent on infrastructural investment. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” travels to
The New Tete Bridges – Improving Road Transportation and Linking Africa »» Starting in the province of Tete, we visit the construction of the New Tete Bridge over
Investing in Grassroots Socio-Economic Development »» Mutual & Federal is Southern Africa’s oldest short-term insurer and another key player in the region’s financial services industry. The Tswelopele project
Facilitating the Growth of SMEs to Build Export Capacity and Increase Job Creation »» In Nigeria, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” meets with a number of small and medium enterprises
Contributing to Food Security through its Protein Footprint in Africa »» Oceana’s commitment to sustainability spans the scope of its operations. “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” looks at the company’s
Enabling Communities to Help Themselves »» The first feature showcases the LEAP schools where the Old MutualFoundation has invested R14.7 million since its inception in 2004.LEAP has achieved
Supporting the National Power Grid with Renewable Energy »» “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” talks to representatives from the Old Mutual Investment Group South Africa (OMIGSA) as well as stakeholders
Investing in People to Change Lives »» PPC Ltd is the leading supplier of cement in Southern Africa and a company committed to sustainable Local Economic Development projects
Always Keeping Girls In School – Aiming to Help Women Live Their Lives Uninhibited »» In Vaalwater, Limpopo, we visit a Primary and a Secondary School, both of
Creating an Enabling Environment through Education and Training »» The Royal Bafokeng Nation, a community within the Rustenburg Valley of South Africa’s North West Province, emphasizes education as
Building a Healthy Nation through HIV&AIDS Education »» The objective of the Sanlam Foundation is to contribute towards the upliftment of South African society, with an emphasis on
Building the Pool of Graduates by Accessing the Potential of Rural Communities »» On 18 July, Nelson Mandela International Day, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” visited Mvezo, Mandela’s birthplace in
The Role of Agriculture in Zambia’s Economic Development »» More than 60 per cent of the labour force in countries across Africa works in agriculture, yet the sector
Job Creation and Local Economic Development »» In Mozambique, “IT’S AFRICA’S TIME” meets with Brazilian mining giant Vale to learn about the company’s inclusive business strategies around mining
Skills, Empowerment and Sustainable Farming »» Woolworths, through its Good Business Journey, has a comprehensive plan to make a difference in six priority areas: sustainable farming, water, energy,
Yara Crop Nutrition and the Ghana Grains Partnership Tackling Food Security in North Ghana »» With agriculture as the backbone of Ghana’s economy, the Ghana Grains Partnership (GPP),