SA INC is about changing conversations – from the dinner table to the shebeen, from dusty street corners to gym cafeterias. It’s about shaking off the doom and gloom of mainstream media and sharing the positive real news that doesn’t reach the headlines. SA INC tells stories about South Africa’s most progressive, innovative and switched-on organisations, that are placing people at the centre of their vision and have committed to the ethos of profit-with-purpose and the pursuit of inclusive, sustainable business growth. Be inspired as we share these stories throughout 2023 and into 2024, celebrating all that is good in South Africa.

Season 5

The fifth season of SA INC is now being broadcast on a number of local, national and international TV networks. Follow us on Facebook for more information.
And check back regularly on this page for more inspiring stories as we celebrate all that is good in South Africa.
SA INC – We’re not just telling stories, we’re changing lives. 


Empowering South African Youth: Accenture’s Skills to Succeed Program

Accenture’s commitment to empowering South African youth through its Skills to Succeed program reflects a dedication to creating opportunities and fostering talent within local communities. With a focus on education, entrepreneurship and technology, Accenture aims to equip young people with the skills needed to thrive in the digital age.

The Accenture Education Trust, established in the early 2000s, identifies high-potential individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and supports their educational journey, particularly in fields related to information and communication technology (ICT). Faith’s story exemplifies the transformative impact of the program as she seized the opportunity provided by the scholarship and excelled in her studies, eventually becoming a leader in software engineering and machine learning.

Central to Accenture’s corporate citizenship efforts is the Skills to Succeed program, which targets unemployed youth and provides them with the necessary skills to enter the workforce or start their own businesses. By collaborating with NGO partners like RAYO, Accenture facilitates training and placement initiatives, catalyzing economic activity and empowering local communities. Through initiatives such as the CE3 training program, which focuses on connectivity, education, entrepreneurship and electricity, Accenture seeks to create sustainable economic opportunities in underserved areas.

One of the key components of the Skills to Succeed program is early exposure to technology and coding. Accenture’s partnership with CoderDojo, an organization dedicated to teaching young people coding and STEM skills, underscores the importance of early education in shaping future career paths. Through CoderDojo, young participants are introduced to coding languages and software development, paving the way for future opportunities in the tech industry.

Accenture also champions gender equity in the technology sector through its support of organizations like GirlCode. By offering digital skills training and job opportunities to young girls and women, GirlCode aims to address the gender imbalance in the tech space and create a more inclusive industry. Participants attest to the transformative impact of the program which not only provides technical skills but also challenges societal norms and empowers women to pursue careers in technology.

Overall, Accenture’s Skills to Succeed program exemplifies a holistic approach to youth empowerment, combining education, mentorship and technology to create pathways to success for South African youth. By investing in talent development and fostering innovation, Accenture contributes to building a brighter future for individuals and communities across the country.

SA INC - Season 5 - Accenture (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Accenture (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Accenture - GirlCode (Zandile) (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Revolutionizing Sanitation in Rural Communities: The Amalooloo Solution

In the heart of deep rural areas where water scarcity and inadequate sanitation facilities plague communities, Amalooloo emerges as a beacon of change. The struggle for water, coupled with the absence of proper toilets, paints a stark picture of a challenging life. Yet, Amalooloo steps in to address these issues, weaving innovation, dignity and sustainability into the fabric of rural existence.

This South African initiative tackles not only a local concern but also a global problem – sanitation. Its mission is rooted in providing technology that not only manages human waste but does so in a way that ensures dignity, protects against diseases and prioritizes the safety of vulnerable groups, especially children.

The core of Amalooloo’s innovation lies in its dry sanitation technology. In a world grappling with water scarcity, this approach not only meets the sanitation needs of communities but does so without contributing to water depletion. The unique pedestal design, incorporating flap technology, eliminates the visibility of organic waste, keeping away flies and unpleasant odours. This technology is a testament to the organization’s commitment to preserving water resources while addressing a critical aspect of public health.

The infrastructural design goes beyond the mere provision of toilets; it extends to privacy and safety. The vent pipe ensures proper ventilation, dispelling any foul smells, and a fly screen prevents the spread of diseases. Operational maintenance teams monitor and manage waste volume, adhering to a dry sanitation system that separates liquid and solid waste. This segregation not only promotes hygiene but also sets the stage for a sustainable solution.

What sets Amalooloo apart is its holistic approach to sanitation. It’s not just about providing toilets, it’s about closing the sanitation loop. The processed human waste is transformed into compost, meeting international and national regulations. An ecological pipe underground connects to backyard gardens, creating a sustainable cycle where the waste becomes a valuable resource for nourishing vegetables.

The impact of Amalooloo is palpable in the communities it serves. Beyond the physical infrastructure, the organization engages with the community, creating job opportunities and empowering locals. Health promoters are trained to educate households on hygiene practices, ensuring the responsible use and maintenance of the facilities. The emphasis on community involvement extends to encouraging backyard gardens, not only providing nutritional benefits but also fostering economic self-sufficiency.

The ripple effect of Amalooloo’s intervention is most evident in schools. The introduction of safe and hygienic toilets has led to a significant reduction in absenteeism, particularly among girls. It’s a positive shift that goes beyond infrastructure – it’s about enabling education and contributing to the overall well-being of the community.

In the grand narrative of Amalooloo’s work, the collaboration between public and private sectors emerges as a key driver. This partnership not only allows for the quick scaling of solutions but also emphasizes the societal responsibility we all bear. The success of Amalooloo is not just in the technology it employs but in the transformative impact it brings – the smiles of mothers receiving a dignified and quality product, a symbol of a brighter and more hopeful future.

Amidst the challenges of poverty, unemployment and lack of basic services, Amalooloo stands as a testament to what can be achieved through innovation, collaboration and a commitment to ensuring the dignity and well-being of every individual in a community. It’s not just about toilets, it’s about rewriting the story of rural life with sustainability, dignity and progress at its core.

SA INC - Season 5 - Amalooloo (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Amalooloo (4 minutes)

4 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Amalooloo - Lukas (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Bayer’s Impactful Initiatives with Scientific Roots and Buhle Farmers’ Academy

Bayer, a global leader in nutrition, health and agricultural innovation, has demonstrated a profound commitment to social responsibility through its partnership with Scientific Roots and the Buhle Farmers’ Academy. By leveraging its expertise, products and global networks, Bayer has spearheaded initiatives aimed at empowering disabled farmers, improving nutrition in schools and fostering economic growth within marginalized communities.

At the heart of Bayer’s corporate social engagement activities lies a dedication to creating inclusive opportunities within the agricultural sector. Through partnerships with organizations like Scientific Roots, Bayer has embarked on groundbreaking projects to empower disabled individuals by integrating them into the agricultural value chain. By identifying market opportunities for small-scale farmers and introducing innovative agricultural practices, Bayer has enabled disabled learners to become growers of medicinal plants, thereby generating income and promoting economic independence.

The Buhle Farmers’ Academy, supported by Bayer, serves as a beacon of hope for individuals in remote areas like Delmas, characterized by high unemployment rates and socioeconomic challenges. Through initiatives such as the school egg nutrition project, Bayer has played a pivotal role in improving nutrition among school learners, supplying hundreds of thousands of eggs annually For many children, these eggs represent more than just a meal; they symbolize hope and opportunity in the face of adversity.

Bayer’s involvement in the Buhle Farmers’ Academy extends beyond nutrition to encompass skills development and economic empowerment. By providing training and resources to aspiring farmers, Bayer has created pathways for individuals to embark on careers in agriculture, regardless of their age or educational background. The academy serves as a catalyst for change, empowering learners to pursue entrepreneurship and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

These stories underscore the transformative impact of Bayer’s initiatives. Through their newfound skills and opportunities, these beneficiaries have not only improved their livelihoods but have also become agents of change within their communities. By fostering agribusinesses in rural areas, Bayer is not only addressing food insecurity but also promoting sustainable economic development and social inclusion.

Bayer’s commitment to health for all and hunger for none is evident in its holistic approach to community development. By providing both education and employment opportunities, Bayer is not only addressing immediate needs but also building long-term resilience within communities. Through initiatives like the Buhle Farmers’ Academy and the school egg nutrition project, Bayer is empowering individuals to lead healthier, more prosperous lives, thereby fulfilling its vision of a world where no one goes hungry and everyone has access to quality healthcare and nutrition.

SA INC - Season 5 - Bayer (6 minutes)

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SA INC - Season 5 - Bayer - Entrepreneur (1 minute)

1 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Bayer - Buhle Farmers' Academy (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Barloworld’s Commitment to Gender Equality and Sustainable Development 

Barloworld is deeply committed to empowering women and fostering gender equality through strategic initiatives designed to promote leadership and support the growth of women-owned businesses. Central to this mission are the Siyakhula Enterprise and Supplier Development program and the Mbewu initiative, both of which play a crucial role in uplifting women entrepreneurs.

The company’s dedication to gender diversity is evident in its leadership structure and corporate culture. Barloworld boasts an executive committee with equal representation of men and women, and a significant portion of its top management positions are held by black women. This inclusivity is further reinforced by initiatives like “The Table is Big Enough” which ensures that all voices within the organization are heard and valued. The implementation of gender-linked bonds underscores Barloworld’s commitment to measurable diversity and inclusion goals.

Through the Siyakhula program, Barloworld provides vital support to established businesses seeking growth. This initiative offers financial assistance such as loans and grants, along with essential resources like training and equipment, to beneficiaries like Bridget Lebone from Bridgemas Trading who received a loan and a grant to acquire new trucks and driver training. This support significantly improved her business operations and her ability to deliver on contracts without delay with the resultant benefit of sustainable revenue and business growth.

Bonisile Shongwe of Lamatsamo Holdings is another inspiring beneficiary entrepreneur. Accessing funding to purchase critical equipment for her mining plant hire business, Bonisile has increased turnover, created employment opportunities and funded a not-for-profit organisation focused on developing skills and creating opportunities for the rest of her community.

The Mbewu program, named after the word for “seed”, focuses on nurturing startups from their inception. By providing essential resources and support, Mbewu helps budding entrepreneurs transform their ideas into viable businesses – like Ntlotleng Manale, who turned dormant family land into productive farmland and received the funding for a borehole, water storage and irrigation from the program. This support enabled the expansion of agricultural activities, increased employment and paved the way for future growth into agro-processing.

Barloworld’s initiatives, such as Siyakhula and Mbewu, exemplify the company’s dedication to sustainable development and women’s empowerment. By offering financial support, training and resources, these programs help women entrepreneurs overcome challenges, scale their businesses and positively impact their communities. The company’s commitment to gender diversity and inclusion within its leadership further reinforces its role as a leader in promoting women’s empowerment in the corporate world. Measuring performance on these targets as part of the KPIs of gender-linked bonds only further entrenches the company’s commitment and innovation in this space.

SA INC - Season 5 - Barloworld (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Barloworld (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Barloworld - Ntlotleng (1minute)

1 Minute clip


Empowering Tomorrow: BP South Africa’s Vision for Inclusivity and Transformation

BP, with almost a century-long presence in South Africa, underscores its commitment to shaping the nation’s energy future. Central to their vision is the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion, integral to the company’s success.

Nona Chilli of Makwande Supply & Distribution is a beneficiary of BP’s Enterprise and Supplier Development program. Her story highlights the impact of BP’s transformative support. Through procurement contracts and an interest-free loan, Makwande’s exponential growth was enabled, obtaining its services from jet fuel transportation to nationwide retail deliveries and an extensive fleet servicing a variety of clients across the country.

BP’s dedication to transformation also targets ownership patterns within service stations in its network. By 2025, the goal is for 70% of these stations to be owned by black individuals, contributing to economic empowerment and inclusivity. The company is well on track to achieving this target. Mabona Selebogo is one such service station owner. A finance graduate who invested her life savings in the business, she has flourished with the support and partnership of BP South Africa. They have assisted her cash flow through the provision of consignment stock and invested in mentorship programs to provide emerging entrepreneurs with valuable guidance on business operations, creating a supportive network within the industry and ensuring these businesses are set up to succeed.

Education also emerges as a global priority for BP SA, exemplified by significant investments in the Energy Mobility Education Trust. Scholarships that take a holistic stance to educational support are key to this objective, covering tuition, stipends and mentorship support for students pursuing degrees in transport and logistics management.

These initiatives align with BP’s broader vision of inclusivity and equity and pave the way for young individuals to actively participate in the economy, fostering a generation of empowered and skilled professionals.

From this small selection of the success stories it has facilitated, it is clear that BP South Africa’s unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion underscores its role in shaping a more inclusive and equitable future for South Africa.

SA INC - Season 5 - BP (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - BP (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - BP - EMET (1minute)

1 Minute clip

Fibre Circle

Pioneering Environmental Responsibility and Community Impact

Edith Leeuta, the CEO of Fibre Circle, is passionate about our collective responsibility to care for the environment. As a producer responsibility organization dedicated to South Africa’s paper and paper packaging sector, Fibre Circle is on a mission to divert a significant amount of waste from landfills, finding sustainable solutions for paper materials.

Fibre Circle’s impact extends into entrepreneurial development, particularly in supporting buyback centres that play a crucial role in waste reclamation. By providing training and support, Fibre Circle facilitates the growth and scaling of these businesses, creating a ripple effect in alleviating poverty while simultaneously contributing to environmental well-being.

A notable focus of Fibre Circle’s responsibility is in liquid board packaging, including milk and juice cartons. In collaboration with partners like Infinite Industries, the organization showcases innovative recycling practices. Infinite Industries demonstrates that the various components—fibre, plastic and aluminium—can be recycled together without the need for separation. Their innovative management of this waste resulted in boards that can be used for building. These were used to create ablution blocks for schools in rural Mpumalanga, with a significant impact on safe and healthy sanitation outcomes for the schools’ learners.

Fibre Circle’s work at schools extends further into education programs, implemented in partnership with NGO, Food & Trees for Africa.  Aiming to instil environmental awareness and waste separation habits in young minds, this initiative not only contributes to the organization’s commitment to sustainability but also plants seeds for future generations to become responsible stewards of the environment.

Fibre Circle’s visionary goal reflects a profound commitment to a future where no paper and paper packaging end up in landfills. The organization’s daily drive and passion lie in establishing partnerships that facilitate beneficiation, education and awareness as they recognize that landfilling is not the sustainable answer. The overarching ambition is a testament to Fibre Circle’s dedication to environmental responsibility and its transformative impact on communities.


SA INC - Season 5 - Fibre Circle (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Fibre Circle (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Fibre Circle - Dimakatso (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Ensuring Sustainability and Resilience in the Communities

Glencore Coal South Africa is committed to the holistic development of the communities surrounding its mining operations in Emalahleni.

Recognising the pivotal role education plays in building resilient societies, Glencore has spearheaded initiatives to uplift local schools and empower students, particularly in the crucial fields of math and science as well as targeted interventions to address socio-economic challenges, including menstrual hygiene barriers for female learners.

Beyond education, the company extends its approach to community upliftment through significant interventions targeting small business development and economic empowerment, as well as a strong emphasis on sports, art and cultural programs, all geared towards leaving a positive and sustainable legacy in regions where it operates.

The Macause Combined School in Ogies serves approximately 1700 learners from grades R to 12. Apart from its contribution to the school’s infrastructure, Glencore initiated the Ligbron E-Learning project with a focus on enhancing math and science results. The program provides live online sessions in maths and science for grades 11 and 12 learners and has significantly improved results, with the school consistently achieving over 90% pass rates in both subjects with students attesting to the vastly positive impact this e-learning opportunity has had on their academic performance.

Recognising the challenges faced by female learners, Glencore also launched the Khululeka campaign, supplying sanitary pads to girls in grades 7 to 12 at this, and other schools, in the region. The initiative facilitates increased attendance and confidence among female students and addresses this unnecessary barrier to education.

Commitment to community development extends beyond education to economic empowerment. Glencore’s Enterprise Supply Development Business Centre supports small businesses, fostering growth and creating opportunities for local entrepreneurs to become vendors for the company through procurement opportunities and the mentorship, training and business development support required to ensure success.

Sport, arts and culture form another pillar of Glencore’s corporate social responsibility. Partnerships with the Emalahleni Local Football Association and SAFA aim to nurture local talent. Through coach training programs, over 180 coaches, including women, have been trained in the first year, ensuring proper nurturing of talent and a positive impact on the community.

Glencore acknowledges the finite nature of coal mining and envisions a future where the communities are left better off. The company’s long-term plan involves ensuring sustainability and resilience in the communities even after the mining operations cease. As individuals who have worked in the mining industry aspire to become mine operators themselves, they aim to replicate the positive impact witnessed as a result of Glencore’s initiatives.

SA INC - Season 5 - Glencore (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Glencore (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Glencore (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Fostering Skills and Opportunities across South Africa

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) of South Africa has been at the forefront of empowering communities and driving economic growth through various initiatives targeting skills development and job creation. One such partnership is with WeThinkCode, a software development academy, aimed at recruiting students from underserved communities to address the shortage of tech skills in the country. With close to 40,000 entry-level tech jobs remaining unfilled annually, initiatives like WeThinkCode provide opportunities for young people to enter the job market and contribute to the growing tech sector.

Through its collaboration with WeThinkCode, the IDC is not only funding the scaling of the program but also expanding its reach to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. TVET colleges focus on vocational and artisan training, catering to the needs of industries requiring skilled workers. By investing in these institutions, the IDC aims to equip young people with relevant skills that align with the demands of the job market, thus addressing unemployment and stimulating economic growth.

In rural areas where access to education and employment opportunities is limited, the IDC’s support extends to initiatives like income-generating projects and skills development in agriculture. Projects such as community cooperatives and agricultural training programs empower individuals to create sustainable livelihoods and contribute to their communities’ economic development. By providing resources and expertise, the IDC enables communities to harness their potential and build self-reliance.

Furthermore, the IDC’s focus on empowering women underscores its commitment to gender equality and inclusive development. By offering training in various skills such as beading and agriculture, women are equipped with the tools and knowledge to become self-sufficient and active participants in their households and communities. Through these initiatives, women are empowered to realize their potential and contribute to building resilient families and economies.

The IDC’s support for these initiatives reflects its commitment to driving sustainable economic growth and fostering inclusive development across South Africa. By investing in skills development, job creation and community empowerment, the IDC plays a vital role in shaping a brighter future for the country and its people.

SA INC - Season 5 - IDC (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - IDC (6 minutes)

6 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - IDC - WeThinkCode (1 minute)

1 Minute clip

Liberty Two Degrees

Creating Impactful Engagements and Sustainable Spaces 

Liberty Two Degrees (L2D) is dedicated to creating experiential spaces that benefit generations through strategic initiatives. These efforts are embodied in their four key pillars: good spaces, safe spaces, smart spaces and immersive spaces. By investing in environmental sustainability, community development and innovative experiences, L2D aims to make a positive impact on both people and the planet.

Talent Ncube’s journey is a testament to L2D’s commitment to supporting individuals and fostering personal growth. Initially aspiring to become an architect, Talent faced significant challenges that led to him living on the streets. It was his passion for art that provided a lifeline. Discovering an opportunity at Mandela Square, facilitated by L2D, transformed his life. Talent’s artistic skills flourished, allowing him to move off the streets, secure a stable income and eventually mentor others. His story highlights how L2D is not only building physical spaces but also restoring dignity and hope to individuals.

L2D’s environmental sustainability efforts are a cornerstone of their “good spaces” initiative. This includes detailed analysis and management of waste, leading to an impressive 90% diversion from landfills. The installation of solar plants and efficient water usage practices are part of L2D’s strategy to achieve net zero waste, carbon and water by 2030. These initiatives demonstrate L2D’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint and promoting sustainability.

Creating safe spaces is another critical focus for L2D. At Liberty Promenade, the emphasis on security ensures that shoppers and tenants feel protected. Well-trained security personnel, advanced CCTV systems and a strong community connection contribute to a welcoming and secure environment. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and trust among the local community, making Liberty Promenade more than just a shopping centre but a home for its visitors.

The smart spaces initiative is about digitally enabling environments to enhance the shopping and tenant experience. From free Wi-Fi to reverse vending machines that reward users for recycling, L2D is integrating technology to promote sustainability and convenience. These smart solutions not only benefit the environment but also improve the daily experiences of shoppers and tenants.

L2D also prioritizes immersive spaces, focusing on creating engaging and meaningful experiences. This includes a variety of activations, especially for children, such as literacy campaigns and mental health awareness programs. The provision of free Wi-Fi and entertaining activities during school holidays ensures that visiting L2D’s spaces is both enjoyable and enriching for families.

As part of its commitment to empowering communities, L2D also actively supports youth education and one of the standout initiatives is the Sondela program which emphasizes citizenship education through art. By fostering self-awareness, emotional intelligence and leadership skills, this program empowers children to become positive role models in their communities. Partnering with L2D, Sondela helps children find their voices and express themselves through visual art, enhancing their confidence and sense of identity.

Liberty Two Degrees’ multifaceted approach to creating impactful engagements and sustainable spaces demonstrates their holistic commitment to improving lives and the environment. Through initiatives like Talent’s artistic journey, environmental sustainability efforts, enhanced security measures and educational programs, L2D is not just shaping physical spaces but also building a better future for communities.

SA INC - Season 5 - Liberty Two Degrees (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Liberty Two Degrees (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Liberty Two Degrees - Sondela (1 minute)

1 Minute clip

Nafasi Water

Bridging Abundance and Scarcity with Innovative Water Solutions

In the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa, Nafasi Water stands as a beacon of change, spearheading impactful initiatives to revolutionize water security. Operating against a backdrop of pressing challenges, the company strategically addresses issues in chemically polluted environments and employs innovative techniques in seawater desalination. This proactive approach is not just a business endeavour, it’s a commitment to safeguarding the future of communities across the continent.

At the core of Nafasi Water’s mission is a resolute dedication to maintaining and elevating water quality standards. The company’s unwavering commitment extends beyond regulatory requirements, reflecting a profound sense of responsibility towards environmental sustainability and community resilience. Through comprehensive water treatment efforts, Nafasi Water not only purifies water but also ensures that the vital resource becomes a catalyst for positive change.

In the realm of inclusivity, Nafasi Water actively fosters opportunities for women in leadership roles. With a significant percentage of women driving the company’s vision, it is reshaping the landscape of a traditionally male-dominated industry. Additionally, initiatives like Enterprise Supplier Development (ESD) play a crucial role in supporting small and medium women-owned enterprises within the business value chain and further contributing to economic empowerment and fostering a diverse industry ecosystem.

Central to Nafasi Water’s success is the adoption of cutting-edge membrane technology in the desalination process. This strategic choice not only positions the company at the forefront of innovation but also underscores its commitment to sustainable and efficient water treatment solutions. The incorporation of this technology not only removes unwanted elements from water but also extracts valuable minerals, creating a dual impact of purification and resource optimization.

As Nafasi Water continues to evolve, it serves as a transformative force in Sub-Saharan Africa’s water dynamics. The company’s journey is not merely a corporate venture, it symbolizes resilience, innovation and a profound commitment to addressing water challenges that impact local economies and communities. Nafasi Water is not just revolutionizing water security, it is paving the way for a sustainable future where water is not just a resource but a source of progress and prosperity. In every drop of purified water, there echoes a narrative of impact and progress, shaping a brighter tomorrow for Sub-Saharan Africa.

SA INC - Season 5 - Nafasi Water (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Nafasi Water (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Nafasi Water - Women (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Nashua’s Support and Engagement with SuperSport Schools Initiative and Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation.

Nashua, a prominent player in the technological and workspace enabling sphere, has demonstrated significant support and engagement with both the SuperSport Schools Initiative and the Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation (NCCF), showcasing a commitment to community development and empowerment.

The SuperSport Schools Initiative, aimed at promoting sports across all genders and levels, has seen Nashua as a key enablement partner. Through its partnership, Nashua has facilitated the installation and servicing of AI technology, particularly AI cameras provided by Pixelot. These cameras, installed on school campuses and fields, have revolutionized the way sports events are captured, streamed and replayed within communities.

The AI cameras, equipped with advanced tracking capabilities, allow for comprehensive coverage of sports events, enabling viewers to watch games from various angles and even zoom in for detailed analysis. This technological innovation not only enhances the viewing experience but also serves as a valuable tool for talent scouting and player development. Coaches and scouts from different schools can utilize the footage to identify talent and improve the overall standard of play across the country.

Moreover, the accessibility of the SuperSport Schools app, which is free to download and view, democratizes access to sports content, particularly benefiting those who may not have the means to attend physical games. This inclusivity expands the reach of sports beyond regional boundaries, allowing for broader recognition of talent and opportunities for aspiring athletes.

Nashua’s extensive network of franchises, spanning across southern Africa and employing thousands of individuals, facilitates the widespread implementation of such initiatives. Its field service force, deeply embedded within local communities, ensures seamless installation and support, reinforcing Nashua’s commitment to grassroots development.

In addition to its involvement with the SuperSport Schools Initiative, Nashua’s commitment to the community is embodied in its Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation. For over 25 years, the NCCF has been dedicated to caring for orphaned and vulnerable children, providing necessities such as meals, clothing and educational materials.

Through its partnership with organizations like Abangani E Nkosi, Nashua has contributed significantly to the welfare of thousands of children, demonstrating a deep-seated commitment to social responsibility and community upliftment The stories of individuals like Siphiwe, who found solace and support within the Abangani community, underscore the transformative impact of such initiatives.

Nashua’s ethos of community empowerment and reinvestment is evident in its multifaceted approach to corporate social responsibility. By leveraging its expertise in technology and workspace enablement, Nashua continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sports and social welfare in South Africa. Through its support and engagement with initiatives like the SuperSport Schools Initiative and the Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation, Nashua is actively fostering a brighter, more inclusive future for generations to come.

SA INC - Season 5 - Nashua (4 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Nashua - Children's Charity Foundation (1 minute)

1 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Nashua - Coaches (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Empowering Young Black Graduates and Supporting Small Businesses for a More Diverse and Prosperous Future for the Country.

The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) plays a crucial role in transforming the chartered accounting profession by creating opportunities for young black graduates. With a history of underrepresentation, SAICA aims to bridge the gap and increase diversity within the profession. Currently, 35% of chartered accountants come from previously disadvantaged backgrounds but there’s still work to be done, especially considering that 90% of the economically active population in South Africa is African, Coloured and Indian.

To address this, SAICA established the Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund 20 years ago. This fund annually supports between 1,000 and 1,300 students, covering various expenses such as tuition fees, accommodation, registration fees and textbooks. The program goes beyond just providing financial support. It includes a dedicated Thuthuka program manager at universities and academic trainees, like Dineo, a former beneficiary, who offers direct support and guidance to students.

Thuthuka also provides life skills support, extra classes and development camps to ensure students are well-prepared for the challenges of university life and the accounting profession. Additionally, mentorship programs connect qualified chartered accountants with Thuthuka beneficiaries, offering guidance on career paths and firm choices.

Cyprian Teffo, CFO of Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, highlights the impact of the Thuthuka Bursary Fund on his journey, emphasizing how it enabled him to qualify as a chartered accountant. His success story serves as motivation for future generations and has inspired him to contribute to social impact, as evidenced by his role as a non-executive director at the Soul City Institute.

Beyond educational initiatives, SAICA is actively involved in supporting small businesses through the SAICA Enterprise Development Program and the Hope Factory. The Enterprise Development Program provides guidance, mentorship and support to small businesses such as FreshMo, a company that introduced mouthwash in sachets. The program not only helps businesses avoid pitfalls but also fosters connections and provides valuable workshops, like those on tax.

The Hope Factory targets unemployed individuals in previously disadvantaged communities, offering skill development and mentorship. Success stories like Corner Dladla Pizzeria in Soweto demonstrate the positive impact of the program. The Hope Factory supported Kgomotso through mentorship and financial skills, leading to a significant increase in sales and the establishment of a flagship store.

Overall, SAICA’s multifaceted approach, encompassing education, mentorship and enterprise development, plays a vital role in transforming the chartered accounting profession and fostering economic growth in South Africa. By empowering young black graduates and supporting small businesses, SAICA contributes to creating a more diverse and prosperous future for the country.

SA INC - Season 5 - SAICA (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - SAICA - Enterprise Development (3 minutes)

3 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - SAICA - Transformation Strategy (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Powering Progress in Rural Communities: Shell South Africa’s Solar Installation Projects

Shell South Africa has embarked on a transformative project in the rural communities of Escourt and Weenan, bringing electricity to households that have long lived without this essential resource. The project addresses the immediate needs of these communities, providing not just light but also opening doors to education, business opportunities and improved living standards.

As a long-standing business operator in the area, Shell has not only been a source of employment but also recognised the dire situation in these communities and initiated a comprehensive project to assess and address their unique needs.

Community engagement played a crucial role in the project’s success. Shell collaborated closely with the residents, conducting surveys and engaging in one-on-one meetings to gain a deep understanding of the specific requirements of each area. Recognising the importance of community involvement, the project enlisted unemployed graduates from the region to conduct research while simultaneously providing employment opportunities for the youth.

In the first year of the project, Shell successfully installed solar systems in 200 households in Escourt. The impact was profound, with residents gaining the ability to charge phones, purchase TVs and, most significantly, own refrigerators. Beyond the immediate benefits, the project empowered residents to engage in various activities that were previously out of reach, marking a significant improvement in their quality of life.

Building on the success in Escourt, Shell expanded its efforts to Weenan, an underserved area where 85 additional solar units were provided in phase two of the project. This expansion not only brought electricity but also conveyed a powerful message of recognition and inclusion to the residents, underscoring their importance as integral members of the larger community.

The project aligns with Shell South Africa’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, demonstrating a holistic approach to community-building and nation-building. The company acknowledges its role in closing the gap where government resources may fall short, making a meaningful and positive difference in the lives of those who were once in the dark. The testimonials express the profound impact of the venture, signifying a brighter future for these communities.

SA INC - Season 5 - Shell - Solar (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Shell - Solar (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Shell - Solar - Goat Farmer (1 minute)

1 Minute clip


Empowering South African Entrepreneurs and Driving Economic Growth

In an engaging story, Takealot showcases the inspiring stories of diverse South African entrepreneurs who have flourished through its online marketplace. From water quality solutions to craft breweries, the video highlights the versatility and inclusivity of Takealot’s platform, providing a space for businesses of all kinds to thrive.

Entrepreneurs like Lesley, a scientist addressing water quality issues through the Chemistry Solutions Company, have found a valuable ally in Takealot. The platform serves as a conduit for these businesses to connect with a broader audience, contributing to awareness and growth.

Takealot, launched in 2014, aimed to make e-commerce accessible to small businesses. With over 10,000 registered small businesses and 8,000 trading sellers, the platform has become a crucial link connecting entrepreneurs with consumers, fueling economic growth across diverse industries.

Stories from entrepreneurs such as Noluyanda of Ukamba Beer Works and Liesl of Curl Chemistry underscore how Takealot facilitates the expansion of businesses and connects them with a diverse customer base. These success stories highlight the pivotal role the platform plays in supporting unique ventures and fostering growth.

The story also touches on the resilience of entrepreneurs, exemplified by King Kong Leather’s recovery from a workshop fire. Takealot played a crucial role in helping the business swiftly list products, contributing to its revival and showcasing the platform as an essential tool for businesses overcoming adversity.

The importance of small businesses in the South African economy is emphasized, providing meaningful employment opportunities amid stagnating growth. With over 10,000 small businesses on Takealot’s platform, indirectly employing up to 30,000 people, the video underscores the platform’s far-reaching impact beyond immediate merchant success.

In conclusion, the video highlights the symbiotic relationship between Takealot and South African entrepreneurs. The platform not only connects businesses with consumers but also contributes significantly to economic inclusivity and resilience. Takealot’s commitment to fostering growth and providing opportunities for businesses of all sizes cements its role as a vital player in South Africa’s entrepreneurial landscape.

SA INC - Season 5 - Takealot (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Takealot (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Takealot - Lesley (1 minute)

1 Minute clip

Telkom FutureMakers

Fostering Innovation and Empowering Communities

Telkom’s FutureMakers initiative emerges as a catalyst for transformative change, driving innovation and empowerment within South Africa’s dynamic landscape. The program, designed to cultivate a culture of innovation, has become a driving force in supporting local businesses, connecting communities and creating opportunities for growth.

The Consumer Dealer Program, a cornerstone of FutureMakers, empowers businesses to address the connectivity needs of their communities. By strategically placing consumer dealers where customers reside, Telkom ensures a deep understanding of local needs and challenges, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the company and the communities it serves.

Supplier Development Programs, a critical facet of FutureMakers, play a pivotal role in navigating the capital-intensive landscape for emerging businesses. Telkom collaborates with enterprises like Gulfstream Energy which, through the Power On initiative, not only meets fuel demands but also empowers SMEs by delivering smaller quantities of diesel for backup power generation. This strategic collaboration reflects Telkom’s commitment to economic empowerment and addressing market needs.

In the realm of gaming, education and technology, FutureMakers invests in hackathons, providing platforms for techies and startups to showcase their innovations. Through these initiatives, entities like Saturated, a digital agency, have yielded innovative products that are well-planned, thought-out and executed and the impact reverberates beyond accolades, with winners gaining access to coaching and professional support, nurturing the growth of these ventures.

Education takes centre stage with initiatives like BlockApps, where creators develop engaging educational content, aligning learning with incentives for students. The focus is not only on technological innovation but on shaping a more rewarding educational experience.

Digital innovation hubs, such as Tsimologong, find support from FutureMakers in creating environments where gamers can hone their skills. Cash prizes and funding from hackathons propel startups, showcasing the potential of these enterprises in the digital landscape.

Telkom FutureMakers views small businesses as partners rather than mere transactions, recognizing their agility and innovation. This program is not a short-term endeavour but a commitment to long-term partnerships, fostering growth not only for individual businesses but for the broader South African economy.

As FutureMakers continues to unfold its programs and initiatives, it is igniting a transformative journey, ensuring a brighter, more connected future for South Africa. Through strategic collaborations, innovative solutions and a commitment to community well-being, Telkom’s FutureMakers is setting the stage for a dynamic and empowered business landscape.

SA INC - Season 5 - Telkom FutureMakers (11 minutes)

Full video

SA INC - Season 5 - Telkom FutureMakers (5 minutes)

5 Minute clip

SA INC - Season 5 - Telkom FutureMakers - Homoleng (1 minute)

1 Minute clip